Farm & Arts Day Camp Scholarship Applicant Form

2025 Farm & Arts Day Camp - Scholarship

  • Campers may only attend one session. The application process contains two steps:

    1. Application Form (this form)
    2. On-line Health Form - to be completed by parent

    Both must be submitted for the application to be complete. Upon submission of this Application Form, you will be directed to the Health Form (the link will also be emailed to you).
  • Camper's Information

  • You will receive all correspondence to this email. Add '[email protected]' to your address book to ensure delivery.
  • Emergency Contacts

    Use this area to list the individual(s) we may contact in an emergency and you authorize to pick up your camper from camp at the end of a session in the event that you are unable to do so.
  • Permission for Activity

    My/Our child has permission to engage in all activities including supervised swimming and incidental immersion (wading through streams) at on/off campus sites during camp unless otherwise noted by the physician or me.
  • Sunscreen & Insect Repellent

    I consent to allow my child to use sunscreen and insect repellent they have brought to camp or that is supplied by the camp.
  • Participation Agreement

  • Once your application is received by this office, you will receive an email which will include a link to our Health Form. Please complete and return as soon as possible. If the session you applied for is full, we will contact you with alternative dates.

    Cancellation Policy: We need to be informed of any cancellations as soon as possible, so as to offer the opportunity to another child. The sessions are for 2 weeks, Monday through Friday. I hereby enroll my child in Farm & Arts Day Camp. In signing this application, I certify that my child is healthy and free of problems that could adversely affect their stay or that of other campers at Hawthorne Valley.

    I understand that my child must comply with the camp’s rules and standards of conduct and that the organization may terminate my child’s participation in the camp program if they do not maintain these standards.

    Once application is received, you will receive an email with the on-line link to our health forms.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.